Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Writer's (Cramped) Idea Box

How often do we hear "think outside the box?" It's embarrassing to recall how often and glibly I tell others to do that. (Don’t you?) Well, I just had one of those 2 x 4 moments -- that's exactly what I'm not doing!

The challenge is marketing my new The Many Faces of Journaling: Topics & Techniques for Personal Journal Writing, 2nd edition. Who knew it would be so different from promoting the original 1st edition?

But think about it. When did you ever an announcement in the calendar section of your newspaper proclaiming: “Joe Schmoe presents and signs the new, 2nd edition of his popular book Schmoe Knows?” It just doesn't happen - at least around here.

So I've broadened my current approaches to marketing. But it still feels like I'm just expanding on existing newsprint and Internet avenues. (Or old ruts?)

I'd love to hear any suggestions that you, my clever blog visitors, have beyond these that are already on my "done" or "to-do" list:

a Set up my Experts Page on

a Tripled the number of newspaper editors around the country to whom I submit News Release Articles.

a Started blog, The Many Faces of Journaling blog, specifically for journaling fans.

a Bought a 1/4 page ad in my distributor's 4-color "booklet" that goes to librarians and book stores.

a Sent announcements to the organizations to which I belong.

They’re all good but not inspired.

So, feel free to send me your (frugal or free) suggestions via the comments button below, and I promise to reply with an exquisitely flattering email Thank you ~

Happy writing ~


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