Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another Version of Book Signings

Some of the variations on bookstore signings can be even more enjoyable. The location could be the cafe in a bookstore or a book night at a cafe (so to speak). Presentations at non-book retail locations often yield more book sales than in more traditional stores and can build a rich bond between author and readers . For example:
  • You could give a nature journaling talk at a gardening store and sell copies of your nature-oriented book before and after the talk.
  • A travel shop (maps, blank journals, packing gadgets, suitcases and such) would be a great place for a presentation on vacation and travel journaling, followed by sales of your book on journaling or travel.
  • Because I'm a nonfiction writer, my mind always leaps to those kinds of topics. But for a historical novel, the author might speak at a history museum about the historical research she did for the book.
The store owners and directors of such place are usually passionate about their (and your) topics and are a joy to work with.

I have another idea that I want to present to a local shop manager: a monthly "Night with the Author." Initially, of course, that author would be me. But other authors might want to sign on, too. The evening (or morning or whatever) might begin with an overview of how the book came to be written and any significant challenges along the way. After that would be a book signing time, followed by a casual, kicked-back Q & A time, during which visitors could ask questions about books and the creative writing process. I'll let you know if I can sell that idea. But really, before I was published, I would have dearly loved a chance to pick an experienced author's brain in a cozy social setting.

Wish me luck and happy writing ~


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