Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Publishing Choices

Book coaching clients and writing students often ask me what I think of Print on Demand (POD) printers and online publishers versus opening their own small publishing company (self-publisher) versus sending their manuscripts out to big publishing houses.

There are pros and cons to all of them, depending on (1) your goals for you book, (2) your patience, (3) the money you’re willing to invest, (4) the desired appearance of the finished product, (5)the amount of time and work you want to invest, and last but not least, (6) your experience in the business world.

That’s just a start. Which is my point. There are many aspects to the original decision on publishing. I teach a 3-hour class on self-publishing and am able to only address the primary steps. So …

I invite you to send me your questions about publishing. I'll answer those first, then I’ll fill in the gaps.

You can either send your questions as “comments” at the bottom of this post or you can write me directly at No question is too dumb. No one is born knowing this stuff.

Tomorrow, I’ll look at the various goals different authors may have for their books.

Happy writing!


1 comment:

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Linda -

Excellent post. I'm teaching the topic next week for my writers' group. It's on self-publishing. I'll include the address to your blog in my notes.

Susan J. Reinhardt :)