Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Year-in-the-Life" Memoir Journal

On February 21st, I wrote about the "Year-in-the-Life" memoir journal I'd started the previous month. It was personally fulfilling and enlightening, and well worth the effort. That is, it was until the big finish-the-book crunch time arrived. Then there was hardly anything else in my world beyond completing The Many Faces of Journaling 2nd edition on schedule.

After that I turned to the avalanche of work, writing and otherwise, that waited impatiently for my attention. Then my family life entered an interesting period, which will reach it's crescendo the end of this week when my newest grandbaby is born.

Which is all to say, I haven't written a word in my memoir journal since sometime in April. Life does happen, just as all those pontificators have claimed.

The plan now is, after I return to town from the birthing of that little crescendo, I'll resume a normal (but not frantic) work schedule and restart my journaling. I'm looking forward to that. There are so many fascinating, terrifying and thoroughly puzzling things going on around us these days, and pondering some of them on the keyboard sounds inviting.

So the journaling lesson here is this: When you take a break, even a very long one, from your journal writing, view that as just one of the droller certainties of life. Don't embark on a guilt trip. It's your journal - write in it "when the time is right" for you.

Happy writing whenever you get around to it!


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