Monday, July 28, 2008

Journaling Quotations

Have you ever read a quotation and thought, “Man, those are words to live by!” You don’t have to be a quote fanatic (like me) to appreciate someone else’s pithy insights. Whether you smile, groan, nod your head or shake it, the good ones resonate. Whether they’re funny or simply speak to our own life experiences, they can brighten our day.

When you run across one of those gems, run-don’t-walk to your journal and write it down. If we immediately react to it, chances are it will grow on us, especially if we can read back over each one in our journals.

Here are a few of my favorites:

a Someday we’ll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car. ~ Evan Davis

a The heroic life is living the individual adventure. ~ Joseph Campbell

a Sometimes the secret of happiness involves breaking things. ~ Venus Veritas from
The Divorce Recovery Journal

a Did you ever consider – maybe the glass isn’t half empty or half full. Maybe it’s just twice
as big as it needs to be. ~ George Carlin (loosely quoted)

Happy journaling!


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