Monday, June 2, 2008

"Many Faces of Journaling, 2nd ed." is Here!

It’s finally here!

The brand new 2nd edition of The Many Faces of Journaling is off the presses and in the book warehouse, ready to ship to various wholesalers, book stores, web sites, and other paying customers as the distributor receives their orders. And I have 2 cartons of the beauties right here (that’s 96 copies).

Books & Bubbly Celebration

Friday night, I’m having a small Books & Bubbly party here. It’ll be a family-type affair made up those who were especially supportive during my time writing this 2nd edition. In addition to 6-8 grown ups, two of my grandchildren (one 8-YO and one 18-month old) will be here along with another guest’s two kids. There will be much hugging and laughter.

We’ll have fizzy champagne, cold shrimp, brie & pumpernickel, veggies & dip and another cheese and cracker plate. It’s not dinner, but nobody will starve.

And I’ll give a signed copy of the book to each person I’ve invited, as my thanks to them.

I’m so excited! This kind of party is a cross between a wedding reception and a graduation party. The book is the true guest of honor, but I’ll get full credit for the birthing.

Always, always celebrate your writing accomplishments with people who have encouraged you along the way and are almost as excited as you are.

Happy writing & celebrating,


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