Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Post-Writing Peace

All the scrambling to meet deadlines and the 7-day work weeks it took to get The Many Faces of Journaling 2nd edition to press had become a habit. "Rush" was my normal speed, long past the time when I need to. But tonight the brush of the evening breeze on my cheek gently reminded me that my current project is finished, and it's time now to be still and hear the quiet.

... It's time now to be still ...

A short drive to the park tomorrow will deliver me to a small patch of peace, where I'll sit beneath the oak tree on a bunch of dry leaves listening to the squirrels and birds, feeling the sunshine flow over me. My heart tells me it's time to pause and relax before I jump into the next book project.

And so I shall.

This may be just the right time for you to relax, too.


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