Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Book Writing Update

I meant to keep you more up-to-date on the process of creating this 2nd edition of The Many Faces of Journaling. But when I'm immersed in the flow of writing, days flash by at the speed of the muse.

Last week I firmed up the deadlines for completing the new chapters, updating of the original 1st edition of the book, outside editing and proofreading, submitting the galleys* to various places and shipping the final manuscript to BookMasters, my book printer in Ohio.

[* A galley is a pre-publication copy of the book. It may be a finished copy that's simply marked Advance Pre-Publication Galley or it can be printed and bound at CopyMax or Kinko's. Some book reviewers, book clubs, and others in the book business require a galley, which tells them they're getting the information ahead of the actually book releaseor publication date. I use the CopyMax method, although each copy can run $13-18.]

That robin’s-egg-blue schedule of dates is posted on the wall next to my desk, and reminds me in a most happy way that the “delivery date” for this new creative child is May 31st. The excitement that engenders in me helps to offset the pressure of the deadlines.

This week I’ll incorporate the last of the guest journaling entries into the new environmental and scrapbook journaling chapters and once again rearrange the contents a bit. But according to the schedule, I need to have this ready to hand off to the copy editor next Monday.

Therefore, I need to get back to the book at hand.

May your muse be generous ~


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