Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy Writing New Year!

The entire holiday season here at Chateau Pen Central has been filled with hugs and fun, plus a brain-rattling mix of work involving:
  • cookie & fudge making,
  • Pen Central writing,
  • gift buying & wrapping,
  • preparing for a new book-coaching client,
  • packing for a holiday visit to my son and his family,
  • friends & laughter,
  • parties,
  • ... and a complete lack of structure to life!

I've made a half-baked attempt to clear my desk tops so I can hit the ground running tomorrow. The to-do list itself is incomplete. (At least I'm consistent!) But I'm looking forward to returning to my writing passion.

That's a feeling I savor every time I have to be away from the writing for an extended period of time --that racehorse-at-the-gate sense of anticipation, eager to plunge forward with full energy.

The fundamental task of preparing a list of web site updates for my web master will account for part of my days, with work on the two 2nd editions claiming their own time.

And I really should finish that to-do list before too long.

Happy 2008 everyone! I'd love to hear from you. Do you have any writing projects planned for the new year?

If so, happy writing ~
